Lunar Learning Library
Our Lunar Learning Library is an archive housing all of our free gardening resources. Here at Wolf Hill Press we are honored to play even a small role in bringing the history and traditions of lunar gardening to you. Enjoy!
Whether you’re old hat at gardening by the moon, or trying it out for the first time, we’d love to hear how it works for you.

Lunar Learning: Sowing the Seeds
How Lunar Planting Works – the how and why of gardening by the moon
Moon Phase Gardening – how listening to the moon helps your garden
Planting by the Signs – deepen your practice by incorporating the signs
Finding Your Frost Free Dates – get to know your garden’s season
How to Pick Planting Days – harvest the best crops by planting on the best day

Lunar Learning: Digging Deeper
Eclipses – observations and traditions the world over
Medicinal Herbs and the Moon – tend your garden, tend yourself
Getting a Start With Garden Art
How to Take Better Gardening Pictures
Web Resources for Gardeners – educational links, regional seed suppliers, and more
Works Cited & Further Reading – sources and resources
These blog posts are a bit more off the cuff than the more researched articles to the left. Here I record periodic garden updates & observations.