Wolf Hill Press

About Wolf Hill Press

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So far Wolf Hill Press has created 11 blog entries.

Updating the Calendar: Lunar Transit Bar

This is Maxx, the resident print production specialist. Last summer, Toby and I ran a survey asking customers about their experiences with the calendar. One of the questions we asked was about the lunar transit bar, something which has featured in Caren's calendar from day one and sets Gardening by the Moon apart from other [...]

2023-08-07T17:35:09-04:00August 7th, 2023|Categories: Calendar Updates & Improvements|Tags: |

The Lunar Herb Garden

It wasn't a surprise to me when people started writing, wanting advice on growing herbs. Herbalism and the moon just go together. And beside that, so many people can't afford the doctor, or feel that their doctor isn't listening to them, at the same time that returning to a more natural way of living is [...]

2023-08-07T17:06:59-04:00August 7th, 2023|Categories: Calendar Updates & Improvements|Tags: |

Fallow Days

Last year, we added eclipse information to the calendar and this year, we've incorporated the eclipses into our gardening advice. Over the last year, I had the time to consult different sources looking for any information surrounding how eclipses impact lunar gardening and every source I found agreed—no gardening! Eclipse days have been left blank, [...]

2023-08-07T17:03:33-04:00August 7th, 2023|Categories: Calendar Updates & Improvements|Tags: |

The Stories of Our Seeds

Something that I first heard about from Rowen White, and which really informs my gardening now, is the generational relationship between plants and the people they nourish and who nourish them in turn. This relationship is particularly apparent with the annual food and medicine plants we save the seeds of. Whether our dormant season is [...]

2023-08-07T16:58:43-04:00August 7th, 2023|Categories: Calendar Updates & Improvements|Tags: |

Passive Watering

I haven't talked about this in connection with the calendar yet, but I'm physically disabled with several chronic conditions. Prior to becoming ill, I've always worked intensely physical jobs—farmhand, dog trainer, line cook, bicycle taxi, preschool teacher—and starting Wolf Hill Press has been part of my adjustment out of that lifestyle. Being in pain all [...]

2023-06-01T16:27:01-04:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Garden Thoughts|Tags: , , |

2023 Spring Garden Write Up

Hi friends! It might look like I've been inactive online lately, but offline I feel like I've barely stopped moving for two months. It's been overall a slow spring here, but with occasional quick jumps in weather. March was snowy and windy and then almost overnight it was 70°F and the snow had all melted. [...]

2023-06-01T16:23:39-04:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Garden Updates|Tags: |

Flower Experiment 2023 Update #1

I took a whole bunch of seedling measurement last night, and even though it's barely a month in, I have some good data to share with you all. From my notes for Monday, April 3: Pincushion Flower/Scabiosa – Two Plantings The first batch was planted on March 4 with the moon second quarter in Leo [...]

2023-04-04T17:09:58-04:00April 4th, 2023|Categories: Science Experiments|Tags: , , , , , , , |
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