I took a whole bunch of seedling measurement last night, and even though it’s barely a month in, I have some good data to share with you all.
From my notes for Monday, April 3:
Pincushion Flower/Scabiosa – Two Plantings
The first batch was planted on March 4 with the moon second quarter in Leo (favorable phase, barren sign). At the 30th day after planting, 26 seedlings are up—19 with true leaves and 7 without, 3 stunted or growing improperly. The tallest seedling is 1 3/8” and the shortest is 5/8”
The second batch was planted on March 6 with the moon second quarter in Virgo (favorable moon, semi-fertile sign). At the 28th day after planting, 28 seedlings are up—26 with true leaves and 2 without, 1 stunted or growing improperly. The tallest seedling is 1 3/4” and the shortest is 1”
Flowering Tobacco/Nicotania – Two Plantings
The first batch was planted on March 6 with the moon second quarter in Virgo. At the 28th day after planting, the tallest seedling is 3/8” and the widest is 1/2”
The second batch was planted on March 22 with the moon first quarter in Aries. At the 12th day after planting, the tallest seedling is 1/4” and the widest is 1/4”
Here are some pictures from our seedling table, taken this afternoon, April 4:
- Pincushion 1 (Leo)
- Pincushion 2 (Virgo)
- Nicotania planter showing Aries on the left and Virgo on the right